For our newly founded China branch in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, we are looking for highly motivated mechanical engineers who will secure the excellent quality of our produced and purchased parts. 我们在浙江宁波新成立了分公司,期待有高度创新精神的机械工程师加入我公司。您的到来将保证我们生产以及购买的产品的优异质量。
It cannot be given away, it cannot be purchased for money, for the reason that it comes in two parts. 这个公式既不能免费奉送,也不能用金钱买卖,因为这个秘诀分为两个部分。
Supply Department should be in charge of management of purchased and outsourced parts and be in charge of evaluation of the suppliers according to standards. 供应部负责外购、外协件的进货管理工作,对供方按要求进行调查、评价。
They assemble cars as if they are Lego sets, with purchased engines, transmissions and parts. 他们像拼装组合玩具一样组装汽车,用买来的发动机、传动系统和零部件进行组装。
Does the Supplier inspect or otherwise verify purchased parts/ components prior to use? 在配件使用前,供应商是否检查或以其它方式核实该配件?
With the molds an unlimited number of machines can be built with locally purchased metal parts. 有了这些模子和当地购买的金属部件,可以制作无限量的机器。
Capital Spare-is the parts within inventory that are purchased as spare parts for depreciable assets ( e.g., capital equipment). 属一种存货&购入用于可计折旧资产替换的备用件。
This paper studies the economics of quality inspection plans of purchased parts, the quality supply capability of suppliers and the economic evaluation of the purchased products quality. At last, the paper puts forward an economic evaluation method to select the best suppliers. 对外购件质量检验方案的经济性、供应商的质量供应能力和外购件质量的经济评价进行了研究,提出了选择最佳供应商的经济性评价方法。
Evaluation on Purchased Parts and Selection from Suppliers 外购件质量评价与供应商选择
Traditional inspection procedures of purchased parts have not satisfied fast speed and high efficient production demand. 分析传统的外构件检验工作流程已不能完全适应新形势下快捷高效的生产要求。
As there is not only purchased parts in the tray but also made pieces which make the material supply management department of its responsibilities more widely, therefore, the management of material supply and the statistical data is very difficult. 由于托盘内不仅有采购件,而且有自制件,使得物资供应管理部门的其职责更广泛,因此,物资供应管理以及数据的统计工作难度很大。
Therefore, the transformer production has been limited by different materials supplies, such as the stored raw materials, purchased components and self-made spare parts. 因此,变压器生产受到来自库存原材料、外购零部件和企业自制零部件等物料供给的影响。